pernah denger openbiblio? buat temen2 pustakawan udah ngga' asing lagi pasti? ;). oh...belom pernah denger tokh? yo wis...openbiblio adalah perangkat lunak untuk kegiatan otomasi perpustakaan, mulai dari katalogisasi, sirkulasi, OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). Lumayan lengkap. info lebih lengkap, silahkan berkunjung ke situsnya openbiblio. yang kali ini mau disampaikan adalah how-to memasang openbiblio di platform linux menggunakan xampp.
kalo belom dipasang xampp-nya, dipasang dulu. donlot xampp-nya dari link di atas, terus tinggal ekstrak ke /opt, pake:
# tar xvzf xampp-linux-versiyangdidonlot -C /opt
nanti akan keluar proses2 yang menunjukkan terjadinya kegiatan dekompresi (caela...dekompresi :D). when you're done, run the lampp using:
# /opt/lampp/lampp start
kalo ngga' ada gangguan, akan keluar info:
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.6.*...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL…
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD…
XAMPP for Linux started
tapi, kadang, adakalanya kita ketemu problem kaya' gini:
/opt/lampp/lampp: line 74: arch: command not found
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.6.*...
/opt/lampp/lampp: line 74: arch: command not found
/opt/lampp/lampp: line 74: arch: command not found
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)…
/opt/lampp/lampp: line 74: arch: command not found
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
/opt/lampp/lampp: line 74: arch: command not found
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started.
hakuna matata my friend! trouble-shootnya seperti ini, edit file arch di /bin/arch dengan teks editor favorit (nano, vim, gedit):
# nano /bin/arch
isi dengan:
uname -m
setelah itu, chmod file arch yang tadi biar bisa dieksekusi:
# chmod +x /bin/arch step is...restarting your xampp:
# /opt/lampp/lampp restart
Stopping XAMPP for Linux 1.6.*...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache with SSL...
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...
XAMPP stopped.
Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.6.*...
XAMPP: Starting Apache with SSL (and PHP5)...
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...
XAMPP for Linux started
untuk mencobanya...buka browser kamu, ketikan localhost. nanti kamu akan dibawa ke halaman informasi tentang xampp dengan terlebih dahulu memilih interface bahasa yang akan kamu pake.
okay...sekarang kamu udah punya apache sebagai web server, mysql sebagai server basis data, dah php sebagai bahasa pemograman hanya dengan sekali ketik perintah. ain't that easy? :D.
sekarang, kita mulai install openbiblionya. langkah awal, bikin dulu database mysqlnya. cara paling mudah, lewat phpmyadmin di browser kamu:
nama databasenya terserah. kalo saya, OpenBiblio. pake standar yang manualnya kasih :). udah...database dah kebikin. sekarang kita ekstrak openbiblio yang barusan dah kita dongdot:
# tar xvzf namafileopenbiblionya -C /opt/lampp/htdocs
sebelumnya arahkan dulu ke tempat dimana kamu simpen file dongdotan openbiblionya, atau kalo ngga' masukin path lengkapnya. comprente? ;). when you're done extracting the file, first thing you need to do is, editing the database_constants.php file. in it, there are several lines you need to change "OBIB_DATABASE", "OBIB_USERNAME", "OBIB_PWD". adjust it with your-mysql's configuration. if your dbase is not passworded, let the "OBIB_PWD" empty. but i suggest to create a password for your dbase. in xampp, use the option:
# /opt/lampp/lampp security
to secure your xampp configuration. jot down all of your password, in case you forget. all set and done, it's time to install your openbiblio, by typing:
as you'll see this page:
next step, still in installation process, you'll find an option whether you'd like to also install a sampe dbase or not. if you would, check the radio button provided in the form. check it, you can instantly use openbiblio by click the link provided.
next, you'll have your own page of openbiblio ready to use, or at least you can do some configuraton using the administrator priveledge. login first by choosing the "Admin" tab. default username would be "admin" and password, also using "admin".
that's it! hope this posting can help to understand how to install openbiblio and using it for your library. there are many choices of library automation softwares that you can choose. one of community that provide you with the access is oss4lib. or...if you prefer local resources (indonesia), you can try senayan and freelib, made by indonesian ;).
more screenshoots, and also the indonesian version of openbiblio which you can download at this page.
(to run the opac, simply insert http://localhost/openbiblio/opac to your browser's address)
(indonesian version of openbiblio)
0. xampp for linux
1. how to install openbiblio
2. forum uin sunan kalijaga
3. install xampp on linux
dia kan minta pasword pass akses http://localhost/xampp/
usernya apa ya?